

Text, images, simple shapes in motion can always add interest and appeal. But it's not that's not all they can do. With a video, information exists in time, so it's the animator's job to organize information and characterize its movement to not only keep your customer's attention on the information, but to make it all work cohesively, and to dynamically maintain relevance to your message.

Motion graphics and 3d animation for Briggs & Stratton, via my good friends at iLevel Media. 2018.
Motion graphics, 3d animation and video editing for the Milwaukee School of Engineering. 2017.
Logo animation for Epic Creative, West Bend, WI. 2016.
Motion graphics and video editing for GE Medical and iLevel Media. 2015.
Motion graphics and video editing for GE Medical and iLevel Media. 2015.
Logo animation for Epic Creative, West Bend, WI. 2016.
Motion graphics and video editing for Prevent Blindness and iLevel Media. 2015.
Motion graphics and video editing for Prevent Blindness and iLevel Media. 2015.
Motion graphics, video editing, script, storyboard and 3d animation for Kenco Label. 2021.
Motion graphics, video editing, script, storyboard and 3d animation for Kenco Label. 2021.
Illustration, Motion Graphics, 3d Animation and Video Editing for GE Medical. 2016.
Concept, 3d Animation & Motion Graphics. Briggs & Stratton. 2014.